
Complimentary 30 Minute Informational Session and Screening

The complimentary session is a chance to ask questions and get to know me. Although a comprehensive assessment is necessary to determine your specific needs, based on a few screening questions, we can determine if you could benefit from a complete assessment and possibly therapy. I’m happy to meet with you on Zoom or by phone.

Comprehensive Evaluation

I reserve 90 minutes to conduct an in-depth assessment. I evaluate muscle function of the mouth, tongue, face, and neck. Additionally, a thorough medical and dental health history is taken as an integral part of assessing your situation. Based on my findings, if therapy is recommended, I will develop a treatment plan tailored to meet our goals.

Mini Myo

Children ages 4-6, are typically too young to participate in a structured therapy program but that doesn’t mean they can’t be helped! In 1-3 sessions I work with the child and parents to teach simple exercise “games” to promote proper growth and function of the mouth and face. Starting young to prevent or address oral dysfunction and guide growth is ideal.

Comprehensive Foundational Program

The foundational program is designed to help achieve the four goals of myofunctional therapy: nasal breathing, proper tongue posture, lip seal, and proper swallowing pattern. Therapy consists of three phases: intensive phase, habituation phase, and retention phase. Each session and phase of treatment builds upon the previous to optimize our goals.  Therapy sessions are 45 minutes, typically meeting every other week, either in-person or virtually. Programs are individualized based on your unique needs, goals, and progress, therefore, the number of sessions necessary to acheive the established goals can vary but typically range between 10-14.

Myofunctional Therapy

Pre and Post Frenectomy

For lingual frenectomy, specific orofacial myofunctional exercises and stretches are crucial to achieve a full release as well as prevent reattachment of the frenum. As with many corrective surgeries, therapy before and after the procedure ensure a successful outcome.  Pre and post frenectomy therapy is integrated and included in the Comprehensive Foundational Program.